stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\node\Entity\Node [in_preview] => [values:protected] => Array ( [nid] => Array ( [x-default] => 245 ) [vid] => Array ( [x-default] => 431 ) [type] => Array ( [x-default] => plante ) [uuid] => Array ( [x-default] => d31b34a8-4f63-4d28-9897-4e303d8496bf ) [langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => fr ) [revision_default] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [revision_uid] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [revision_timestamp] => Array ( [x-default] => 1685633048 ) [revision_log] => Array ( [x-default] => ) [isDefaultRevision] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [status] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [title] => Array ( [x-default] => Aloes Vera ) [uid] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [created] => Array ( [x-default] => 1680452060 ) [changed] => Array ( [x-default] => 1685633048 ) [promote] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [sticky] => Array ( [x-default] => 0 ) [revision_translation_affected] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [default_langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [body] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>L'Aloe vera est une espèce d'aloès (genre Aloe) d'origine incertaine mais cultivée de longue date en région méditerranéenne, Afrique du Nord, aux îles Canaries et au Cap-Vert. Utilisé depuis l'Antiquité, l'Aloe vera a été adopté dans les médecines traditionnelles de nombreuses régions chaudes du monde, d'Europe, du Moyen-Orient et d'Afrique du Nord d'abord, puis d'Inde, de Chine et d'Asie essentiellement après le xe siècle et d'Amérique après le xviie siècle. Actuellement, le gel d'aloès entre principalement dans la composition de cosmétiques ou de boissons.
L’Aloe vera est une plante succulente, aux feuilles persistantes, aux racines peu profondes, poussant en touffes et même en colonies, en raison de son aptitude à produire des drageons. La tige à base ligneuse, est courte (au plus 50 cm de haut) et porte à l'extrémité des feuilles alternes, enchâssées les unes dans les autres, distiques (particulièrement pour les jeunes plants) puis en vieillissant en rosette7.
La feuille succulente et sessile est érigée, vert pâle à glauque (parfois tachetée de blanc), de forme linéaire-lancéolée, se rétrécissant régulièrement de la base à l'apex, relativement longue (jusqu'à 10 × 80 cm, mais plus courte en Asie8, 4-5(-7) x 15-35(-50) cm (on remarquera la grande largeur, de 5 à 10 cm, des feuilles à leur base). La marge est dentée-épineuse, avec des épines souples pâles, écartées de 1-1,5 cm.
L'inflorescence terminale est une grappe cylindrique, érigée, en général non ramifiée, de 100–150 cm de haut. L'axe (ou rachis) porte des écailles parcourues par 3 veines pourpres proéminentes confluentes à l'extrémité7. La fleur est construite sur le plan trimère typique des Asparagales et Liliales (monocotylées pétaloïdes) :
- 6 tépales pétaloïdes, connées (soudées) de la base jusqu'à mi-longueur, aux lobes linéaires à oblongues-lancéolés, de couleur jaune pâle (parfois maculé de rouge), de 2,5 cm de long
- 6 étamines légèrement exsertes
- 1 style exserte.
La floraison a lieu en hiver et au printemps.Le fruit est une capsule.
[summary] => [format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_affections] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 263 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 264 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 265 ) [3] => Array ( [target_id] => 266 ) [4] => Array ( [target_id] => 267 ) ) ) [field_autres_noms] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 268 ) ) ) [field_categorie] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 260 ) ) ) [field_commentaires] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [status] => 2 [cid] => 2713 [last_comment_timestamp] => 1685631948 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 1 [comment_count] => 3 ) ) ) [field_contre_indications] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Contre-indication(s) connue(s)
[format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_effets_secondaires_connus] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Précaution d'utilisation
Le latex, comme tous les laxatifs stimulants, le latex d'aloès doit être réservé aux cas de constipation aiguë et ponctuelle, et ne doit en aucun cas faire l'objet d'un emploi continu.
À long terme, les laxatifs anthranoïdes comme le latex d’aloès peuvent causer des polypes intestinaux, ce qui augmente le risque de cancer colorectal. L’ingestion prolongée de latex d’aloès peut entraîner des troubles rénaux graves.
Il arrive que le gel contienne des traces de latex et ait un effet laxatif. Une préparation de gel de mauvaise qualité contiendrait de l'émodine, une substance qui entraîne une sensibilité au soleil.
Plaies infectées
Les résultats d’un essai préliminaire mené en 1991 auprès de 21 femmes souffrant de plaies chirurgicales infectées laissent penser que l’emploi de l’aloès pourrait ne pas être indiqué pour traiter des plaies gravement infectées.
Comme tous les laxatifs stimulants, le latex d'aloès est contre-indiqué en cas de :
- douleur abdominale d'origine inconnue ;
- grossesse ;
- obstruction intestinale ;
- inflammation intestinale aiguë ;
- appendicite ;
- ulcère ;
- troubles rénaux ;
- maladies cardiaques ;
- nausées ou de vomissements.
Effets indésirables
Le latex peut causer des douleurs et crampes abdominales, de la diarrhée, une perte de potassium, de l’albuminurie, une hématurie (présence de sang dans les urines) et une perte de poids.
Une utilisation prolongée de latex à fortes doses (1 g/jour et plus) endommage le foie et les reins.
Le gel ne provoque pas d'effets indésirables notables aux doses rapportées dans les études cliniques.
[format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_images_medias] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 11 ) [1] => Array ( [target_id] => 10 ) [2] => Array ( [target_id] => 9 ) ) ) [field_localisations] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lat] => 5.373013 [lng] => -3.926999 [lat_sin] => 0.093639381259496 [lat_cos] => 0.99560618031295 [lng_rad] => -0.068539062272525 [data] => ) [1] => Array ( [lat] => 16.2411 [lng] => -61.5331 [lat_sin] => 0.27967988198024 [lat_cos] => 0.96009330984833 [lng_rad] => -1.0739551939589 [data] => ) [2] => Array ( [lat] => 16.174569 [lng] => -61.595385 [lat_sin] => 0.27856484772307 [lat_cos] => 0.96041742258927 [lng_rad] => -1.0750422722835 [data] => ) [3] => Array ( [lat] => 16.174569 [lng] => -61.595385 [lat_sin] => 0.27856484772307 [lat_cos] => 0.96041742258927 [lng_rad] => -1.0750422722835 [data] => ) [4] => Array ( [lat] => 16.2267136 [lng] => -61.6267776 [lat_sin] => 0.27943880329162 [lat_cos] => 0.96016350441732 [lng_rad] => -1.0755901765143 [data] => ) ) ) [field_posologies_pratiquees] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Visage et peau
L'aloe vera par voie externe est très efficace sur le visage et pour la peau.
Appliquez le gel d'aloe vera directement sur les parties atteintes et répétez plusieurs fois par jour si besoin.
Le gel d'aloe vera est utilisée en cas d'herpès génital, lichen plan, lésions cutanées légères, brûlures (1?? et 2? degré), engelures, infections et inflammations cutanées.
« Au naturel » ou en petits pots ?
Si vous souhaitez utiliser le gel d’aloès sur la peau, vous pouvez avoir recours à un gel du commerce ou, en cas de lésion mineure, à une plante d’intérieur.
Il faut alors couper un bout de feuille et la presser. Le liquide clair (verdâtre) et visqueux qui en sort est du gel d'aloe vera.
En cas de constipation
L'aloe vera peut également être utilisée par voie interne, en cas de constipation :
- Prenez 50 mg à 200 mg de latex d'aloès, le soir au coucher. Commencez par de petites doses et augmentez au besoin, car l'effet laxatif peut se produire à des doses très variables, selon les personnes.
Attention : comme tous les laxatifs stimulants, le latex d'aloès doit être réservé aux cas de constipation aiguë et ponctuelle, et ne doit en aucun cas faire l'objet d'un emploi continu.
[format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_preparation_et_mode_d_empl] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Préparation et mode d’emploi
[format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_principes_actifs] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>L’Aloe vera est une plante des milieux arides qui stocke l'eau dans ses feuilles. Aussi, l'eau est-elle le principal constituant de la feuille et représente de 98 à 99 % de son poids. La matière sèche qui ne représente donc que 1 à 2 %, est constituée à 60 % de polysaccharides14,15.
La feuille d’Aloe vera contient plus de 75 composés actifs (polysaccharides, polyphénols, acides organiques) ainsi que 20 sels minéraux, 20 acides aminés et 12 vitamines. Les principaux métabolites secondaires sont des composés phénoliques de type anthrone et chromone. Mais malgré les très nombreuses études, les activités thérapeutiques n'ont pas été bien corrélées avec les composés.
- la fraction glucidique est formée de monosaccharides (glucose, xylose...), de polysaccharides de réserves (acémannane, aloéride, cellulose...) stockés dans le protoplasme des cellules14. L'acémannane, le principal glucide du gel, est un polymère à longue chaîne de glucomannanes14, avec un ratio de 15 unités mannosyles pour une unité glucosyle. Il présente des acétylations des résidus mannose au niveau du carbone C2 ou C3.
- la fraction protéique est formée d'acides aminés, de glycoprotéines (alprogène, aloctine A et B, vérectine)
- la fraction lipidique (5 % du poids sec de la pulpe) est composée de stérols (cholestérol, campestérol, β-sitostérol, des phytostérols), des triterpènes (lupéol), des triglycérides et des phospholipides.
- les minéraux prépondérants sont le potassium, le calcium, le sodium, le magnésium et le phosphore.
- les vitamines principales sont la vitamine C et les vitamines B1, B2, B3 et B6.
- des acides organiques comme les acides malique, succinique, urique, isovalérique, d'acide-phénols comme l'acide cinnamique, vanillique, citrique, férulique1.
- des anthraquinones (aloïne, isobarbaloïne, anthranol, aloe-émodine, émodine etc.). L'aloïne est situé dans la couche externe de la feuille et constitue près de 30 % de l'exsudat de la feuille14.
- des chromones : aloésone, aloérésine.
- des saponines, esters de phtalate, hormones de croissance.
Le résidu sec de suc d'aloès contient de 15 à 40 % de dérivés hydroxy-anthracéniques1. L'aloïne est très largement majoritaire. En s'hydrolysant dans le tube digestif, elle libère l'aloe-émodine. L'aloïne a des propriétés laxatives et l'aloe-émodine est un stimulant irritant du tube digestif, avec des propriétés antifongiques, antibactériennes, hépatoprotectrices, antivirales et antitumorales16. Un métabolite de l’isobarbaloïne, l'aloe-émodine-9-anthrone, est un puissant agent laxatif. Le suc contient aussi une fraction résineuse, à partir de laquelle ont été isolés de C-glucosides en C-8 : l'aloésine et l'aloérésine.
Le gel d'aloès est très riche en eau et ne semble pas renfermer de composés très spécifiques1. Contrairement au suc, il ne renferme pas de dérivés anthracéniques. Il contient des acides gras, des stérols, acide-phénols, alcools, acide organiques etc.
[format] => full_html ) ) ) [field_slider_title] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Aloes vera (L) Burm ) ) ) [field_status_de_publication] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [target_id] => 254 ) ) ) [field_usages_et_applications_tra] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Utilisation culinaire
Du gel d’Aloe vera à boire.
La pulpe de l’Aloe vera est comestible. Très riche en protéines et en vitamines (vitamines A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, choline), elle peut être utilisée entre autres dans les yaourts, les desserts et les boissons.[réf. nécessaire]
Utilisation textile
L’Aloe vera donne par rouissage des fibres textiles utilisées au Maroc sous le nom de sabra ou soie végétale.[réf. souhaitée]
Utilisation ornementale
Touffe d’Aloe vera ornementale (Fuerteventura, Canaries).
L’Aloe vera est une plante ornementale qui peut se cultiver dans toutes les régions chaudes du monde. Craignant le gel, elle peut être cultivée en pleine terre dans le Midi de la France et en Corse où elle peut former de vastes massifs couverts de fleurs en hiver23.
Sinon, on la plante dans des pots en terre cuite, favorisant l'évaporation de l'eau. L'hiver, il faut la rentrer dans la maison ou dans une serre et la placer dans un endroit très lumineux. L'aloès est une plante des milieux arides qui n'aime pas les excès d'eau.
On la multiplie par division de touffes, en détachant et replantant de jeunes plants munis de racine. Le bouturage est difficile, voire impossible, compte tenu de la texture spongieuse des feuilles qui favorise le pourrissement au niveau de la coupe.
Utilisation cosmétique et dermatologique
L’Aloe vera est une plante utilisée en cosmétique depuis l'Antiquité par les tradipraticiens (guérisseurs). Traditionnellement, on pelait la feuille et on appliquait la pulpe directement sur la peau. On attribuait au gel des propriétés cicatrisantes confirmées très partiellement par l'expérimentation animale1.
De nos jours, les industries cosmétiques mettent en avant les traitements possibles de l'épiderme avec cette plante :
Vente de crème hydratante à l'Aloe vera au Botswana.
- Stimulation de la production de collagène, du moins chez les rats24
- Traitement des brûlures grâce au gel frais de la plante25.
- Cicatrisation : plusieurs études ont montré que le gel frais obtenu à partir de la partie centrale de la feuille diminue le processus inflammatoire et accélère la cicatrisation26,25.
- Lutte contre le vieillissement cutané.[réf. souhaitée]
- Allégation de propriétés antiseptiques qui forment une barrière contre les bactéries et les virus.27
Suivant l'ouvrage de référence en pharmacognosie de Jean Bruneton1, « quelques essais cliniques comparatifs, souvent de qualité méthodologique très faible, ont évalué l'efficacité de l'aloès dans différentes indications. Ces essais ne fournissent aucune preuve de l'efficacité du gel d'aloès pour prévenir et/ou atténuer les réactions cutanées induites par les radiations chez les patients traités par radiothérapie. Comparé à un placebo, ce gel n'exerce, à l'encontre des coups de soleil, ni action préventive, ni action curative. L'action du gel sur la cicatrisation reste à démontrer (données contradictoires et essais méthodologiques critiquables). » (2009). Le gel semble posséder des propriétés contre le psoriasis et l'herpès génital28, mais cela doit être confirmé1,29. Le gel d'aloès en usage local ne semble pas induire d'effet indésirable sévère.
Le gel d'aloès forme à la surface de la peau une pellicule constituée à 99 % d'eau, avec un pH de 4,5, correspondant à celui de la peau. Il est utilisé comme agent hydratant dans de nombreuses formulations cosmétiques14.
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Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_timestamp [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:created [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Revision create time [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => The time that the current revision was created. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_timestamp [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [revision_uid] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => user [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Revision user [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => The user ID of the author of the current revision. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [revision_log] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => string_long [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => string_long [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_log [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:string_long [settings] => Array ( [case_sensitive] => ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Revision log message [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Briefly describe the changes you have made. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_log [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [status] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => status [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Published [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1 ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => status [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [uid] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [default_value_callback] => Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => user [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Authored by [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [translatable] => 1 [default_value_callback] => Drupal\node\Entity\Node::getDefaultEntityOwner [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => The username of the content author. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => uid [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [title] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => string [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => string [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [required] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => title [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:string [settings] => Array ( [max_length] => 255 [is_ascii] => [case_sensitive] => ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Title [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [required] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => title [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [created] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => created [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [provider] => node [field_name] => created [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:created [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Authored on [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => The time that the node was created. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => created [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [changed] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => changed [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => changed [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => changed [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:changed [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Changed [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => The time that the node was last edited. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => changed [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [promote] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => promote [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Promoted to front page [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1 ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => promote [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [sticky] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [display] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => sticky [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Sticky at top of lists [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => ) ) [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(3) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => sticky [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [default_langcode] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array(1) [provider] => node [field_name] => default_langcode [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Default translation [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this is the default translation. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [translatable] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [default_value] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => 1 ) ) [provider] => node [field_name] => default_langcode [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [revision_default] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [storage_required] => 1 [internal] => 1 [translatable] => [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_default [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Default revision [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => A flag indicating whether this was a default revision when it was saved. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [storage_required] => 1 [internal] => 1 [translatable] => [revisionable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_default [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [revision_translation_affected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => boolean [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [read-only] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_translation_affected [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:boolean [settings] => Array ( [on_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [off_label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Revision translation affected [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision. [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [read-only] => 1 [revisionable] => 1 [translatable] => 1 [provider] => node [field_name] => revision_translation_affected [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [path] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => path [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => path [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array(1) [computed] => 1 [provider] => path [field_name] => path [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:path [settings] => Array ( ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => URL alias [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [translatable] => 1 [display] => Array ( [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) [configurable] => 1 ) ) [computed] => 1 [provider] => path [field_name] => path [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [menu_link] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [type:protected] => entity_reference [propertyDefinitions:protected] => [schema:protected] => [indexes:protected] => Array ( ) [itemDefinition:protected] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Field\TypedData\FieldItemDataDefinition [fieldDefinition:protected] => Drupal\Core\Field\BaseFieldDefinition [definition:protected] => Array(2) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [description] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [revisionable] => 1 [class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList [translatable] => 1 [internal] => 1 [display] => Array(2) [computed] => 1 [provider] => token [field_name] => menu_link [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [type] => field_item:entity_reference [settings] => Array ( [target_type] => menu_link_content [handler] => default [handler_settings] => Array(0) ) ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [definition:protected] => Array ( [label] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Menu link [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [description] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup [translatedMarkup:protected] => [options:protected] => Array ( ) [stringTranslation:protected] => [string:protected] => Computed menu link for the node (only available during node saving). [arguments:protected] => Array ( ) ) [revisionable] => 1 [class] => \Drupal\token\MenuLinkFieldItemList [translatable] => 1 [internal] => 1 [display] => Array ( [view] => Array ( [options] => Array(2) ) [form] => Array ( [options] => Array(1) ) ) [computed] => 1 [provider] => token [field_name] => menu_link [entity_type] => node [bundle] => ) [typedDataManager:protected] => ) [body] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.body [field_name:protected] => body [field_type:protected] => text_with_summary [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Résumé [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [display_summary] => [required_summary] => ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [summary] => [value] =>Résumé plante
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.body [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 46e8f0f3-c973-4744-b651-23f5db660c76 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_affections] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_affections [field_name:protected] => field_affections [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Affections [description:protected] => Veuillez vider la ligne si vous désirez supprimer une affection [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [affections] => affections ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_affections [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 61f9ceb7-d6d9-4c58-9cf1-dae6065ec464 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.affections ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_autres_noms] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_autres_noms [field_name:protected] => field_autres_noms [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Autres noms [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [autres_noms_de_la_plante] => autres_noms_de_la_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_autres_noms [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => f1092fc0-b7e7-4c4f-9762-dfaae94864e8 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.autres_noms_de_la_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_categorie] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_categorie [field_name:protected] => field_categorie [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Catégorie [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [utilisation_plante] => utilisation_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_categorie [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => fe52ce34-f2d0-45d8-855e-831d95914ee8 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.utilisation_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_commentaires] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_commentaires [field_name:protected] => field_commentaires [field_type:protected] => comment [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Commentaires [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [default_mode] => 1 [per_page] => 50 [anonymous] => 0 [form_location] => 1 [preview] => 1 ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [status] => 2 [cid] => 0 [last_comment_timestamp] => 0 [last_comment_name] => [last_comment_uid] => 0 [comment_count] => 0 ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_commentaires [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 82a0cada-8fad-4ff6-b3a1-97f791264c58 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => comment ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_contre_indications] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_contre_indications [field_name:protected] => field_contre_indications [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Contre-indication(s) connue(s) [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Contre-indication(s) connue(s)
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_contre_indications [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 380ad141-836d-40eb-a801-5a27c39bfda6 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_effets_secondaires_connus] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_effets_secondaires_connus [field_name:protected] => field_effets_secondaires_connus [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Effets secondaires connus [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Effets secondaires connus
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_effets_secondaires_connus [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 14d4358e-fa68-42e1-bc91-6d85dda8bfd2 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_famile] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_famile [field_name:protected] => field_famile [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Famile [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [famille_de_plante] => famille_de_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_famile [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 752b2f3f-8436-49d4-9396-6f8730fac59a [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.famille_de_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_images_medias] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_images_medias [field_name:protected] => field_images_medias [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Images [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:media [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [image] => image ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => _none ) [auto_create] => [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_images_medias [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => fdcff8ef-22e6-4d12-bdca-485a1ff058dc [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => media.type.image [2] => node.type.plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_localisations] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_localisations [field_name:protected] => field_localisations [field_type:protected] => geolocation [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Localisations [description:protected] => Veuillez sélectionner les zone en déplaçant les épingles [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [lat_sin] => 0.27856484772307 [lat_cos] => 0.96041742258927 [lng_rad] => -1.0750422722835 [value] => 16.174569, -61.595385 [lat] => 16.174569 [lng] => -61.595385 ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_localisations [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => aefe4517-74c2-4b35-a55b-9b688e3e7320 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => geolocation ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_origine] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_origine [field_name:protected] => field_origine [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Origine [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [origine_de_la_plante] => origine_de_la_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_origine [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 060412bb-a70f-4469-bf9e-3044c47c77d6 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.origine_de_la_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_posologies_pratiquees] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_posologies_pratiquees [field_name:protected] => field_posologies_pratiquees [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Posologies pratiquées [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Posologies pratiquées
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_posologies_pratiquees [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 70b790f5-18db-4369-b3c7-262dc97425f1 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_preparation_et_mode_d_empl] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_preparation_et_mode_d_empl [field_name:protected] => field_preparation_et_mode_d_empl [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Préparation et mode d’emploi [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] => Préparation et mode d’emploi [format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_preparation_et_mode_d_empl [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 050b262f-268c-493f-82e8-00e8612a1910 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_principes_actifs] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_principes_actifs [field_name:protected] => field_principes_actifs [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Principes actifs [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Principes actifs
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_principes_actifs [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 050bfcb8-e017-4e42-bdad-d23f97026bc6 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_slider_title] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_slider_title [field_name:protected] => field_slider_title [field_type:protected] => string [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Nom scientifique [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => 1 [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_slider_title [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => a3e4eab1-fe9a-49eb-9853-e52a584472eb [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_status_de_publication] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_status_de_publication [field_name:protected] => field_status_de_publication [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Status de publication [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [status_publication] => status_publication ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_status_de_publication [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 4608efe7-fd5a-4a99-b5ef-b6350bed05c7 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.status_publication ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_tags_plante] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_tags_plante [field_name:protected] => field_tags_plante [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Tags plante [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [tags_plante] => tags_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => 1 [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_tags_plante [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 5d987fe0-402e-4e55-81ce-64152a8f200a [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.tags_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_usages_et_applications_tra] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_usages_et_applications_tra [field_name:protected] => field_usages_et_applications_tra [field_type:protected] => text_long [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Usages et applications traditionnelles [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [value] =>Usages et applications traditionnelles
[format] => full_html ) ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_usages_et_applications_tra [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => ee22d01b-18ab-427d-b7e3-128b72225d17 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante ) [module] => Array ( [0] => text ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) [field_zones] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig [deleted:protected] => [fieldStorage:protected] => [id:protected] => node.plante.field_zones [field_name:protected] => field_zones [field_type:protected] => entity_reference [entity_type:protected] => node [bundle:protected] => plante [label:protected] => Zones [description:protected] => [settings:protected] => Array ( [handler] => default:taxonomy_term [handler_settings] => Array ( [target_bundles] => Array ( [zones_plante] => zones_plante ) [sort] => Array ( [field] => name [direction] => asc ) [auto_create] => [auto_create_bundle] => ) ) [required:protected] => [translatable:protected] => [default_value:protected] => Array ( ) [default_value_callback:protected] => [itemDefinition:protected] => [constraints:protected] => Array ( ) [propertyConstraints:protected] => Array ( ) [originalId:protected] => node.plante.field_zones [status:protected] => 1 [uuid:protected] => 16d1f43c-71d6-4ee5-bd77-561ce8e23aa5 [langcode:protected] => fr [third_party_settings:protected] => Array ( ) [_core:protected] => Array ( ) [trustedData:protected] => [entityTypeId:protected] => field_config [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( [0] => languages:language_interface ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [dependencies:protected] => Array ( [config] => Array ( [0] => [1] => node.type.plante [2] => taxonomy.vocabulary.zones_plante ) ) [isSyncing:protected] => [isUninstalling:Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase:private] => ) ) [languages:protected] => Array ( [en] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [defaultValues] => Array ( [id] => en [name] => English [direction] => ltr [weight] => 0 [locked] => ) [name:protected] => English [id:protected] => en [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 0 [locked:protected] => ) [fr] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [defaultValues] => Array ( [id] => en [name] => English [direction] => ltr [weight] => 0 [locked] => ) [name:protected] => French [id:protected] => fr [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 1 [locked:protected] => ) [de] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [defaultValues] => Array ( [id] => en [name] => English [direction] => ltr [weight] => 0 [locked] => ) [name:protected] => German [id:protected] => de [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 2 [locked:protected] => ) [und] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [defaultValues] => Array ( [id] => en [name] => English [direction] => ltr [weight] => 0 [locked] => ) [name:protected] => Not specified [id:protected] => und [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 3 [locked:protected] => 1 ) [zxx] => stdClass Object ( [__CLASS__] => Drupal\Core\Language\Language [defaultValues] => Array ( [id] => en [name] => English [direction] => ltr [weight] => 0 [locked] => ) [name:protected] => Not applicable [id:protected] => zxx [direction:protected] => ltr [weight:protected] => 4 [locked:protected] => 1 ) ) [langcodeKey:protected] => langcode [defaultLangcodeKey:protected] => default_langcode [activeLangcode:protected] => x-default [defaultLangcode:protected] => fr [translations:protected] => Array ( [x-default] => Array ( [status] => 1 ) ) [translationInitialize:protected] => [newRevision:protected] => [isDefaultRevision:protected] => 1 [entityKeys:protected] => Array ( [bundle] => plante [id] => 245 [revision] => 431 [uuid] => d31b34a8-4f63-4d28-9897-4e303d8496bf ) [translatableEntityKeys:protected] => Array ( [label] => Array ( [x-default] => Aloes Vera ) [langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => fr ) [status] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [published] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [uid] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [owner] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [default_langcode] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) [revision_translation_affected] => Array ( [x-default] => 1 ) ) [validated:protected] => [validationRequired:protected] => [loadedRevisionId:protected] => 431 [revisionTranslationAffectedKey:protected] => revision_translation_affected [enforceRevisionTranslationAffected:protected] => Array ( ) [fieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck:protected] => Array ( ) [entityTypeId:protected] => node [enforceIsNew:protected] => [typedData:protected] => [cacheContexts:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheTags:protected] => Array ( ) [cacheMaxAge:protected] => -1 [_serviceIds:protected] => Array ( ) [_entityStorages:protected] => Array ( ) [isSyncing:protected] => )