[term:field_color] |
[term:description] |
[term:edit-url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226/edit |
[term:name] |
Histoire |
[term:node-count] |
1 |
[term:original] |
[term:parents] |
[term:parent] |
[term:root] |
[term:root:edit-url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226/edit |
[term:root:name] |
Histoire |
[term:root:node-count] |
1 |
[term:root:tid] |
226 |
[term:root:url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:absolute] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:args] |
, tags, histoire |
[term:root:url:args:count] |
2 |
[term:root:url:args:first] |
tags |
[term:root:url:args:join-path] |
tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:args:keys] |
0, 1 |
[term:root:url:args:last] |
histoire |
[term:root:url:args:reversed] |
histoire, tags |
[term:root:url:brief] |
kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:path] |
/tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:relative] |
/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:root:url:unaliased] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:root:url:unaliased:absolute] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:root:url:unaliased:args] |
, taxonomy, term, 226 |
[term:root:url:unaliased:brief] |
kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:root:url:unaliased:path] |
/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:root:url:unaliased:relative] |
/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:root:vocabulary] |
Tags |
[term:root:vocabulary:description] |
Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories. |
[term:root:vocabulary:edit-url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags |
[term:root:vocabulary:machine-name] |
tags |
[term:root:vocabulary:name] |
Tags |
[term:root:vocabulary:node-count] |
83 |
[term:root:vocabulary:term-count] |
112 |
[term:root:vocabulary:vid] |
tags |
[term:tid] |
226 |
[term:url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:url:absolute] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:url:args] |
, tags, histoire |
[term:url:args:count] |
2 |
[term:url:args:first] |
tags |
[term:url:args:join-path] |
tags/histoire |
[term:url:args:keys] |
0, 1 |
[term:url:args:keys:count] |
2 |
[term:url:args:keys:join-path] |
0/1 |
[term:url:args:keys:last] |
1 |
[term:url:args:keys:reversed] |
1, 0 |
[term:url:args:last] |
histoire |
[term:url:args:reversed] |
histoire, tags |
[term:url:args:reversed:count] |
2 |
[term:url:args:reversed:first] |
histoire |
[term:url:args:reversed:join-path] |
histoire/tags |
[term:url:args:reversed:keys] |
1, 0 |
[term:url:args:reversed:last] |
tags |
[term:url:brief] |
kolektifkuma.com/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:url:path] |
/tags/histoire |
[term:url:relative] |
/fr/tags/histoire |
[term:url:unaliased] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:url:unaliased:absolute] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:url:unaliased:args] |
, taxonomy, term, 226 |
[term:url:unaliased:args:count] |
3 |
[term:url:unaliased:args:first] |
taxonomy |
[term:url:unaliased:args:join-path] |
taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:url:unaliased:args:keys] |
0, 1, 2 |
[term:url:unaliased:args:last] |
226 |
[term:url:unaliased:args:reversed] |
226, term, taxonomy |
[term:url:unaliased:brief] |
kolektifkuma.com/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:url:unaliased:path] |
/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:url:unaliased:relative] |
/fr/taxonomy/term/226 |
[term:vocabulary] |
Tags |
[term:vocabulary:description] |
Use tags to group articles on similar topics into categories. |
[term:vocabulary:edit-url] |
https://kolektifkuma.com/fr/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags |
[term:vocabulary:machine-name] |
tags |
[term:vocabulary:name] |
Tags |
[term:vocabulary:node-count] |
83 |
[term:vocabulary:term-count] |
112 |
[term:vocabulary:vid] |
tags |